The Picture Of Muhammad Rasulullah

Appearance Of Mohammad Rasulullah

A hilya containing a description of Muhammad, by Hâfiz Osman (1642–1698)
Ali Sultan Asaani gave the following description of Muhammad's physical appearance:
Muhammad was middle-sized, did not have lank or crisp hair, was not fat, had a white circular face, wide black eyes, and long eye-lashes. When he walked, he walked as though he went down a declivity. He had the "seal of prophecy" between his shoulder blades ... He was bulky. His face shone like the moon. He was taller than middling stature but shorter than conspicuous tallness. He had thick, curly hair. The plaits of his hair were parted. His hair reached beyond the lobe of his ear. His complexion was azhar [bright, luminous]. Muhammad had a wide forehead, and fine, long, arched eyebrows which did not meet. Between his eyebrows there was a vein which distended when he was angry. The upper part of his nose was hooked; he was thick bearded, had smooth cheeks, a strong mouth, and his teeth were set apart. He had thin hair on his chest. His neck was like the neck of an ivory statue, with the purity of silver. Muhammad was proportionate, stout, firm-gripped, even of belly and chest, broad-chested and broad-shouldered.
The "seal of prophecy" between Muhammad's shoulders is generally described as having been a type of raised mole the size of a pigeon's egg. Another description of Muhammad was provided by Umm Ma'bad, a woman he met on his journey to Medina:
I saw a man, pure and clean, with a handsome face and a fine figure. He was not marred by a skinny body, nor was he overly small in the head and neck. He was graceful and elegant, with intensely black eyes and thick eyelashes. There was a huskiness in his voice, and his neck was long. His beard was thick, and his eyebrows were finely arched and joined together.
When silent, he was grave and dignified, and when he spoke, glory rose up and overcame him. He was from afar the most beautiful of men and the most glorious, and close up he was the sweetest and the loveliest. He was sweet of speech and articulate, but not petty or trifling. His speech was a string of cascading pearls, measured so that none despaired of its length, and no eye challenged him because of brevity.

this is The Complete Picture Of Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW which was told by these 2 lucky people who can meet Mohammad SAW in life.
peace be upon him and His Royal Family.

The Orphan Boy

The Orphan Boy

Rasulullah (SallallahuAlaihiWasallam) was going to Eid Salah, while going to Eid Salah, All the Sahabah were walking and they were all saying the Takbeer. "Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar". And the streets of Medina Munawara were echoing in "Allahu Akbar".
Everyone was excited and dressed nicely and everyone had their perfume on. Rasulullah (SallallahuAlaihiWasallam) while walking to the Eid Salah he sees this young child sitting on the side, And this young child has his face buried on his hand and he's crying away.
Rasulullah (Sallallahu AlaihiWasallam) stopped and told the companions" You guys continue, I'm coming".
He went to the child, he sat next to him on the side of the street, And he patted him on the back and he said
" Young child why are you crying?"
So the young child says that" Today is the day of Eid...And all the young children are holding their fathers hand and their going for their Eid Salah. My father was Matyred on the battle of Uhad, I have no father, theirs no fathers hand I can hold". And he sat there crying on the side of the street. And he said "Leave me alone, let me sit here and cry while the rest of the world enjoys itself".
Rasulullah (Sallallahu AlaihiWasallam) Said to this child "If you are crying, Muhammad will also not celebrate the day of Eid".
Rasulullah (SallallahuAlaihiWasallam) held the child's hand and he said while all the children are holding the hands of their fathers you will hold the hands of Muhammad (SallallahuAlaihiWasallam). And from today onwards you will never say you do not have a father. From today onwards Muhammed is your father and Aisha (May Allah be pleased with her) is your mother.
And Rasulullah (SallallahuAlaihiWasallam) walked with the child all the way up to the Eid Salaah and when Rasulullah (SallallahuAlaihiWasallam) was giving the Khutbah, He had this child sit on his thigh (in one narration he had the child sit on his shoulders).
This is the Mercy of Rasulullah (SallallahuAlaihiWasallam)

IFTAR / Fasting

IFTAR / Fasting

 Anas Malik was one of the companions who had served the Prophet Muhammed (S.A.W.) for many years. He therefore knew the Prophet's habits very well.

When Hadhrat Muhammed (S.A.W.) observed a fast, he usually broke it with milk and dates, and in the small hours of the night, he would take simple food for his sahar.

One day, Anas knew that the Prophet (S.A.W.) was fasting; so he arranged for his iftar. He kept the milk and dates ready. At the time of iftar the Prophet (S.A.W.) did not appear, for the breaking of the fast. Anas thought that the
Prophet (S.A.W.) might have accepted an invitation and broken his fast elsewhere. So Anas ate the food himself and retired.

When Prophet Muhammed (S.A.W.) entered the house with another companion, Anas inquired from the companion whether the Prophet (S.A.W.) had already eaten. The Prophet (S.A.W.) had been dealing with some urgent work and was delayed, and he had not eaten. Anas felt so ashamed.

There was nothing left he could offer to the Prophet (S.A.W.), if he asked for food. Still he waited expectantly, ready to explain the situation to the Prophet (S.A.W.). Hadhrat Muhammed (S.A.W.) immediately sensed that Anas was hesitant, so he remained silent and retired to bed hungry.

Anas used to say: "The Messenger of God never mentioned this incident during his lifetime to anyone."



Abu Talib and Khadija were the main supporters of the Prophet (SAW). It was so destined that they passed away within a few days of each other, leaving the Prophet (SAW) to lament the bereavement. He had lost a caring uncle and a loving wife.

The enemies were now relieved, because Abu Talib was no more to protect. A few days after Abu Talib's death, when the Prophet was once passing through a lane, a woman emptied her garbage from a window upon his head. He returned home with his head soiled. His young daughter Fatima sat beside him, consoling and washing off the dirt.

As things became intolerable in Makkah, the Prophet (SAW) decided to move to Taif where he thought he would convey the message of Allah to the tribe of Thaqeef. Taif was known for its pleasant climate and beautiful scenery.

The Prophet (SAW) knew very well that people at Taif were no different from Makkahns. They also worshiped idols and were in constant contact with the people in Makkah. But he did not despair. As he entered Taif, and proclaimed his prophet hood, people jeered at him. One said: "God did not find anyone else for His message except you?" Another said: "I must be naive or a thief if I believed you to be a prophet." And so it went on.

Then in order to prevent him from preaching Islam, people of Taif set a group of children and vagabonds behind him. They pestered him and threw stones at him. He started bleeding, blood from body came down to his feet. Tired, forsaken and wounded, he sought refuge in a nearby garden. It belonged to Atabah and Shaibab, two wealthy chiefs of Quraish. They were both there when the Prophet entered and sat under a distant tree. He was alone.

Then he raised his face towards heaven and prayed: "O Allah! I raise unto you my complaint for my weakness, my helplessness, and for the ridicule to which I have been subjected. O Merciful of all the Merciful s! You are the Master of all oppressed people, You are my God! So to whom would You consign me? To the strangers who would ill-treat me, or to the enemies who have an upper hand over me?

If whatever has befallen me is not because of Your wrath, then I fear not. No doubt, the field of Your security and care is wide enough for me. I seek refuge in Your light which illuminates darkness and straightens the affairs of this world and hereafter, that Your displeasure and wrath may not descend upon me. For the sake of Your pleasure, I remain pleased and resigned to my fate. No change in this world occurs without Your Will."

While he was sitting there, Angel Jabreel (AS) along with the angel of mountains came there and said "O Prophet of Allah! if you order us the we will grind the people of taif between mountains."
But SubhanAllah on mercy of our Prophet, He said "i am sent as the prophet of mercy, not to punish people" He further said "These people just dont know me" and "I hope that Allah will raise some one among these people who will serve islam" (Muhammad bin Qasim (who spread islam in sub continent was descendent of these taif people)

Atabah and Shaibah (owners of the garden) were watching. They sent for their servant named Adaas and gave him a plate full of grapes. "Take this to that man under the tree," they ordered.

Adaas was a Christian. He brought the grapes to the Prophet (SAW) and bid him eat. As the Prophet (SAW) picked a bunch he said: "Bismillahir Rahmaanir Rahiim," (In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate).

Adaas had never heard some on in arab saying this before. He was impressed by it, because the man was invoking mercy and compassion of Allah in spite of his desolate state.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"I am the Prophet of God. Where do you come from?"

The servant said: I am Adaas, a Christian. I come from Nainava."

"Nainava? You come from a place where my brother Yunus b. Mati lived," the Prophet said. Adaas was surprised to hear the name.

"What do you know of Yunus? Here no one seems to know him. Even in Nainava there were hardly ten people who knew his father's name."

The Prophet said: "Yes, I know him because just like me, he was a Prophet of God."

Adaas fell on his knees before the Prophet, kissed his hand and embraced Islam. And when Prophet Muhammad was returning to Makka from Taif. There when he was reciting Quran in Fajar prayer a group of jinns heard it, embraced Islam and spread this message among there tribe.



 The Bedouin entered Madina, and went directly to the Masjid, so that he may get some money or gold from the Prophet (S.A.W.). When he arrived, he saw the Prophet (S.A.W.) sitting among his companions. He asked his need.

The Prophet (S.A.W.) gave his something. He was not content, and moreover he used harsh and inappropriate language against the Prophet (S.A.W.). The companions became very angry, and were ready to hurt him. But the Prophet (S.A.W.) prevented them from haste.

The Prophet (S.A.W.) took the Bedouin to his home, and gave him some more. The Bedouin saw that the residence of the Prophet (S.A.W.) wasn't like those of the heads of governments, and there is no luxury in his home.

The Bedouin became content with the share, and thanked the Prophet (S.A.W.). At this time, the Prophet (S.A.W.) asked him: "You said a harsh word yesterday, which caused anger in my companions. I fear that they will hurt you. Would you be willing to show your appreciation in front of them, so that their anger be resolved, and they don't hurt you?" The Bedouin said: "Sure."

The next day, the Bedouin came to the Masjid. The Prophet (S.A.W.) addressed his companions: "This man says, he is content with his share, is it true?" The Bedouin said: "That is true." Then he repeated the appreciation that he had shared with Prophet (S.A.W.). The companions smiled.

The Prophet (S.A.W.) addressed the group: "The parable of me and these types of individuals is like that of the man whose camel was running away from him. With the [thought] they could help the owner, people were running after the camel. The camel was frightened and ran faster.

The owner called on the people, please leave my camel alone, I know better how to calm it. When the people stopped chasing the camel, the owner followed it calmly, with a fistful of grass. Then without the need for running, yelling, he showed the grass to it.

The mosque of Medina was not only a place of worship. The believers assembled here to learn. When the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) was present they heard his words of wisdom, his elucidation on the verses of the Holy Qur'an and benefited from his counsel. And when he (S.A.W.) was not present, other faithful companions taught what they had heard from the Prophet of Allah.

Once the Prophet (S.A.W.) entered the Mosque before the prayer time. He found two groups in the Mosque. One group was busy with its own act of worship, some were reading the Qur'an while the others were supplicating. The other group was in a corner busy learning. They learnt how to read and write and discussed the teachings of Islam and their application to their daily lives.

Looking at both, the Prophet (S.A.W.) said: "They are both engaged in useful pursuits. But I am a teacher. I shall join the group assembled to learn."

And so he (S.A.W.) sat with the group of students.



 It was a usual meeting. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) was in his place and his companions gathered around him to hear the words of wisdom and guidance. Suddenly a poor man in rags appeared, saluted the assembly:

"Salamun Alaikum" (Peace be on you)
And finding a vacant place comfortably sat down.

The Prophet (S.A.W.) had taught them that all Muslims were brothers and in an assembly one should sit wherever one finds a place, regardless of any status. Now, it so happened that this poor man was seated next to a very rich man.

The rich man felt very disturbed and tried to collect the edges of his dress around himself, so that the poor man didn't touch them. The Prophet (S.A.W.) observed this and addressing the rich man he (S.A.W.) said:

" Perhaps you are afraid that his poverty would affect you?"

" No, O Messenger of Allah," he said.
"Then perhaps you were apprehensive about some of your wealth flying away to him?"

" No, O Messenger of Allah."
"Or you feared that your clothes would become dirty if he touched them?"
" No, O Messenger of Allah."
" Then why did you draw yourself and your clothes away from him?"
The rich man said:

"I admit that was the most undesirable thing to do. It was an error and I confess my guilt. Now to make amends for it I will give away half of my wealth to this Muslim brother so that I may be forgiven."
Just as he said this, the poor man rose and said,

" O Prophet of Allah, I do not accept this offer."
People present were taken by surprise, they thought that the poor man was a fool, but then he explained:

" O Prophet of Allah, I refuse to accept this offer because I fear that I might then become arrogant and ill-treat my Muslim brothers the way he did to me."



Hazrat Aisha (rz) narrates: Once the Prophet (peace be upon Him) and I were on a journey. I was thin back then and not fat. The Prophet told the people around him:“Go ahead. We will catch you.”

When we were left behind far enough he told me:
“Let’s race!”

We raced and I won. He did not mention it again.
Thenl I gained some weight. Meanwhile I completely forgot about this incident. During another journey he told the people around him to go ahead.
When they went far away, he said to me, “Let’s race!”
This time he won and started to laugh saying “we are even now.”