Hazrat Anas says: A villager named Zaher bin Haram (r.z) used to bring good from his village to sell them in Madinah. He also used to bring some rural gifts for Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him). In return Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) also gave him some gifts made in Madinah.

He was a pious man, an Arab but African like personality. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) had respect and love for him and use to say "He is my rural friend, and I am his urban friend".

Once, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him)  saw him selling his goods in market. He quietly came from behind so that Zaher bin Haram could not see him, and to surprise him, He suddenly embraced him from behind. Zaher said, "Who is that? Free me." But when he realized that he is Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him), he tried to remain like that for more time (to have blessings).

The Prophet jokingly asked his companions, "Who will purchase this slave?". Laughing and still in Prophet's grip, Zaher said, "O messenger of Allah! you will be in loss (because due to my poor personality, no one will give you a good price)."

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) said, "(No Zaher), even if people don't give you due respect, but for Allah you are priceless and invaluable."
(Ahmad, Mishkaat)

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